The Belgrade Synagogue is located in Maršal Birjuzov Street near Toplica's Wreath.

Four Synagogues have been built in Belgrade throughout history. The first two were on Dorćol, but were destroyed by the end of the Second World War. The Sephardic Synagogue built by Milan Kapetanović was built in 1908. in the Moorish style, but it was set on fire during the Second World War, which is why it was later demolished. Today, in its place is the Gallery of Frescoes. Today, the only preserved synagogue is the Sukat Shalom Synagogue.
The construction of the synagogue lasted between 1924. and 1926. according to the project of Franjo Urban with a participation of Milan Šlang. In 1929., subsequent works were carried out to change the interior according to the project of the architect Milutin Jovanović. Until 1941., it was the building of the Serbian-Jewish church community of the Ashkenazic rite. During the Nazi occupation of Belgrade (1941. to 1944.) the authentic function of the synagogue was degraded by turning it into a brothel. After the war it was returned to its original function as a synagogue for both groups of Belgrade Jews.

The Synagogue building was built in the academic style. The Synagogue is a place of religious service, a place intended for education and meetings of the Jewish Community. In the basement there's a kitchen with dining area and utility rooms.
The central space on the ground floor with a gallery is intended for a religious ceremony. The interior is divided by two rows of pillars and above is a gallery that was once intended for woman. The ceiling is rich in decoration.
Aron Hakodesh is the most holy part of the temple located on the east wall. There are the holy books and the Old Testament. Around this part are two pillars carrying a large merble cube symbolizing the ark of Moses with God's Ten Commandments.
The Synagogue building also has offices, a classroom and a meeting room. Residential rooms are arranged on the first and second floor. David's shield, a six-poited star stands out on the facade of the building. The lateral protruding parts of the facase are reminiscent of the defensive shape and character of the original Solomon's Temple. These pieces represent a common motif of Jewish architecture symbolizing Jahin and Boaz, the pillars of Solomon's temple. A wide access staircase on three sides in the basement and ground floor also contributes to overall impression of the festive and ceremonial character of the Synagogue.
Pripremila: Ivana Pantović