In the Middle Ages, the Serbs, as a Slavic people, accepted Christianity from two Christian centers: Constantinople and Rome. With the formation of the Raska state, began the process of establishing a church organization under the jurisdiction of the Ohrid archbishopric. As an independent church institution, the Serbian Church was established in 1219. During the reign of King Dušan, he received the rank of patriarchy in 1346. After the Ottoman conquests, the patriarchate was abolished, and in 1557 it was renewed and functioned until 1766. After the Migration of the Serbs, the archbishopric was moved to Sremske Karlovce and the church seats were located in different territories, without a single organization.
Since 1920, in the new state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, conditions have been created for church unification. Belgrade became the center of the Serbian church, and the church organization received the rank of patriarchy.
The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church is the patriarch who presides over the Holy Synod of Bishops. The Council represents the church-legislative power, and the Holy Synod of Bishops represents the executive power of the Church.

Today, there are about 60 Orthodox churches in Belgrade.

In the wider area of Belgrade, there are several monasteries.
Written and translated by Ivana Pantović i Mina Novaković