The Obrenovics are a Serbian royal family who ruled over Serbia in the period 1815 – 1842 and 1858 – 1903. The progenitor of this family was Milos Obrenovic, whereas the last ruler was Aleksandar Obrenovic. Prince Milos Obrenovic ruled Serbia for the first time from 1815 – 1839 when he got replaced by Prince Milan Obrenovic, who ruled for only a few months in 1839. After Milan, Prince Mihajlo Obrenovic , his brother, ascended the throne and his first rule lasted from 1839 – 1842. From 1842 – 1858 Serbia once again found itself under Ottoman rule. In 1858 Prince Milos ascended the throne for the second time and ruled for 2 years. He was succeeded by his son, Mihajlo Obrenovic, whose second reign lasted from 1860 – 1868. Mihajlo’s son, Milan Obrenovic ruled as prince from 1868 – 1882, and from 1882 – 1889 as king of Serbia. The final ruler of this dynasty, Aleksandar Obrenovic, ruled from 1889 to 1903, when the coup d’etat took place. Other than the rulers, important representatives of this dynasty include princesses Julija and Ljubica, queens Natalija and Draga, Prince Milos’ brothers Jevrem, Milan and Jovan.
The family left behind a number of remarkable buildings, some of which are Princess Ljubica’s residence, Prince Milos’ residence , The Old Palace, The National theater in Belgrade, Topcider park, etc.
Written by Bogdana Novaković
Translated by Filip Šuica